Legal Notice

This section contains information related to the general conditions of access and use of the website that must be exposed and known by users, for the purposes provided in Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

The use of this website and its content is subject to this Legal Notice. If you do not accept it, please leave this website.

Access conditions to

Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users. Your entry to it implies the acceptance and knowledge of the terms and conditions, as well as the legal warnings exposed.

Access and navigation through the different areas offered on the website is free of charge and does not require subscriptions or registrations, although registration may be requested in those sections which, due to their characteristics, require the user’s own identification.

The user name and password are elements that identify and enable access to the services and are personal and non-transferable.

Terms of use of

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and/or contents of the website. He/she undertakes not to use them for illegal activities or activities that infringe any other rule of the legal system. It is concluded that the use made of the content contained in this website is the sole responsibility of the user.

The users guarantee the authenticity and veracity of the information they communicate to Iberoforwarders, being responsible for the lack of veracity of the data provided.

The user agrees not to disseminate or register: Racist, xenophobic contents, pornographic material, apology of terrorism or that attempt against human rights. Contents that incite to the accomplishment of criminal, defamatory acts, or contrary to the law, the morality, and the public order. Content that violates fundamental rights and constitutional freedoms and international treaties. Information and data about third parties without the pertinent authorizations. Contents that represent a violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights of Iberoforwarders. Data programs that may cause damage to computer systems.

Intellectual and industry property

Each of the contents contained in this website are the property of Iberoforwarders. The design and software are property of Iberoforwarders or its software suppliers.

It is forbidden to carry out: Any distribution, sale, rental or loan of material. Any direct or indirect reproduction of the content of this website.

The user may view the website and its contents and download them for personal and non-commercial use. The signs, icons and logos appearing on this website are owned by Iberoforwarders or have been licensed and are registered or in the process of registration. Unauthorized use of these elements is an infringement of Iberoforwarders’ industrial property rights.

In any case, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, provided by law, by writing to IBEROFORWARDERS, Avda. de la Antigua Peseta, Parcela 141-Polígono Industrial Las Atalayas – 03114 Alicante (Spain), enclosing a copy of your ID. For any clarification, information, suggestion, complaint, etc. you can use the contact form on this website or contact Avda. de la Antigua Peseta, Parcela 141-Polígono Industrial Las Atalayas – 03114 Alicante (Spain) Phone +34 96 510 7788 – Fax +34 96 510 7540.


Iberoforwarders is authorized to use cookies during access to this website. This tool is activated automatically and is aimed at facilitating the collection of information related to the preferences of the different users who access this website. Any user can configure their browser to prohibit the creation of these cookie files and will see messages to authorize and configure their preferences when accessing this website.

Privacy Policy

The collection of data transmitted voluntarily to Iberoforwarders responds exclusively to respond and meet the needs that users may communicate to us. The company will keep stored the data of the users always within the legally established term and will respond to the legal obligations, as well as respecting the notifications or requests of the users who communicate their will of elimination.

Iberoforwarders may process the data and information of users, always with their prior consent, in compliance with Article 6.1. a) of the General Protection Regulation. The user will be responsible for updating the information and data registered, both autonomously when it can and by contacting those responsible for these tasks in Iberoforwarders. The information provided will not be transferred to third parties, except for the cases contemplated by law.

In any case, users may exercise their rights of access, cancellation and deletion, provided by law, by writing to IBEROFORWARDERS, Avda. de la Antigua Peseta, Parcela 141-Polígono Industrial Las Atalayas – 03114 Alicante (Spain), enclosing a copy of your ID card. For any clarification, information, suggestion, complaint, etc. you can use the contact form on this website or contact Avda. de la Antigua Peseta, Parcela 141-Polígono Industrial Las Atalayas – 03114 Alicante (Spain) Phone +34 96 510 7788 – Fax +34 96 510 7540.